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Marie-Antoinette and Josephine's Turkish boudoir

    After seven years of work, the Turkish boudoir of Marie-Antoinette and Josephine opened again his doors in May 2015.
    Marie-Antoinette’s turkish boudoir

    Hidden in an entresol of the castle over the ceremonial room of the queen, the Turkish boudoir was the intimacy space of Marie-Antoinette in Fontainebleau. Fitted out in 1777 on plans of the architect Richard Mique and decorated by the brothers Rousseau, it shows the luxurious preferences of the old regime for the Oriental style. After the Revolution, all the furniture of the boudoir have been changed to establish the Empress Josephine’s private bedroom. The place have been decorated with Jacob-Desmalter’s creations adorned with precious fabrics.

    Alcove, mirrors, curtains driven by pulleys ... this exceptional ensemble has been restored thanks to the support of INSEAD and the generosity of the subscribers of the operation. They have been very helpful for Fontainebleau.

    The restoration work on the boudoir has focused on its painted decorations and its precious furniture made of fabrics woven with gold. Particularly fragile, the Turkish boudoir is now integrated into a new tour dedicated to the privacy of sovereigns in Fontainebleau

    The guided visit of the Turkish boudoir can ONLY be done in groups of seven people maximum.

    Reservations required.


    Full price: 19 €
    Reduced price: 5 €.

    Prestations, conforts et services

    • Langues parlées :
      • French

    Périodes d'ouverture

    From 01/01 to 31/12.
    Closed on Tuesday.
    Closed exceptionally on January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.

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