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Les Amis de la Forêt de Fontainebleau sorties randonnée

    The Fontainebleau Forest is a unique place that attracts a growing number of hikers and admirers. It is fragile and needs a permanent preventive surveillance.

    The Friends of the Fontainebleau Forest Association volunteers acts in order to preserve and maintain the paths for your great pleasure.
    Crédits photos : AAFF
    Association des Amis de la Forêt de Fontainebleau
    26, rue de la Cloche
    77300 Fontainebleau
    The Friends of the Fontainebleau Forest protect the forest and make it known. Thanks to their observatory, they act against the damages it can receive. They maintain more than 300 km (190 miles) of beaconed itineraries; you can meet them in the course of a walk with their marking tools, in order to make a way for the hikers.
    These “forest beaconers” are the true infantrymen of the Association. They work with the ONF (National Office of the Forests) and lead a discreet but efficient action on the ground. Don’t hesitate to speak with them !

    The Association organize themed walks as well : the Forest’ History, geology, archeology, arts, fauna, sylviculture (forestry), etc. It publishes some info reports such as La Feuille Verte, La Voix de la Forêt, post-cards, A guide to remarkable trees. (Orders on the website).

    Good deal: you can participate in their action by signaling anomalies and deteriorations of the forest heritage that you could see during your walks. A form you can fill in is available here :

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      • French

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