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Ruggiero des Ruggieri et la galerie d'Ulysse" exceptional exhibition

    Come and discover an original exhibition featuring a new work at the château, currently being acquired: Ruggiero de Ruggieri's "Ulysse affrontant les sirènes et traversant le détroit de Charybde et Scylla" ("Ulysses confronting the sirens and crossing the strait of Charybdis and Scylla").
      Crédits photos : Château de Fontainebleau
      Château de Fontainebleau
      Place du Général de Gaulle
      77300 Fontainebleau
      This exceptional work is installed alongside other paintings evoking the Château's famous Ulysses gallery, created during the Renaissance and replaced under Louis XV by the wing that today houses the reception areas and the Imperial Theatre.


      Full price: 14 €, Reduced price: 12 €.

      Prestations, conforts et services

      • Langues parlées :
        • French

      Périodes d'ouverture

      From 31/05 to 31/12/2024, every Saturday and Sunday.

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